Story of the Day 03/19/2014

From deep in the heart of Texas.

Remember Johnny Quinn? The US Olympic bobsledder who found himself locked in his hotel bathroom in Sochi and had to bust down the door to get out? 

Besides creating a trendy hashtag (#quinning), the tweet also inspired a Texas police department to invite Quinn to learn the proper way to bust down a door. The invitation was first reported February 12th by news outlets like NBC's Today and KXAS (their local affiliate in Dallas Fort Worth), and other outlets.

Well, Wednesday, the Olympian actually learned the proper way to break on through to the other side, and much more. You can see the full video report from CBS 11, the CBS affiliate in Dallas Fort Worth.  

The Denton Police Department also posted photos of the training on their Facebook page in an album entitled: Johnny Quinn SWAT Training.